An efficient and effective power market is vital for the sector. India is the third-largest producer of electricity and the third-largest consumer of energy in the world. The Indian power sector is on the cusp of big change driven by Decarbonization through renewable energy generation, Digitalization through technology and finally, Data to drive services to simplify the complexity, leading to Deeper Power Markets.
The Hon’ble Central Electricity Regulatory Commission’s (CERC) introduction of the concept of the OTC platform in the new Power Market Regulations 2021 has great potential to bring the much-desired transparency and innovation in the OTC markets through technology and services.
We firmly believe that a transparent and integrated OTC Power market, will further supplement the organized markets and stakeholders.
At New Age Markets in Electricity Private Limited, we are passionate about technology and markets and believe efficiency and effectiveness in the market place will emerge with independent data and analytics, true price information and above all, by the pooling of the information by market participants. That is why we are leveraging technology to build India’s 1st OTC Platform for Power Sector that will democratize the Indian energy sector and bring transparency through information across the value.